
Simplified and Enhanced Educational Process

A robust, secure, and integrated web-based management and learning platform designed for primary and secondary education institutions.

eSchool is a web platform designed for complete management of primary and secondary schools and education centers with a range of built-in features and benefits for all participants: students and parents, teachers, and administration.

Teaching staff

Teachers truly benefit from the integrated information system, simplifying the management of student records, curricula, and engagement on subjects they teach.

Educators can efficiently:

  • track progress and presence
  • distribute teaching materials
  • write notes and comments
  • create tasks and exams
  • record grades
  • give feedback on assignments
  • manage their class (for homeroom teachers)


eSchool empowers students by providing them with the flexibility to learn and engage with educational documents anytime and anywhere with built-in reminders and notifications for important content.

They can:

  • download literature
  • take exams and assignments
  • view grades and announcements
  • check class schedule

eSchool solution ensures seamless experience on PC, tablets or phones.


There are three administrative roles on the information system: management, school administrator and office.

Managers can generate reports about:

  • number of students
  • average grades
  • exam results by any subject, class, or time period + other custom reports

Administration and office can:

  • enter and edit data about institution
  • handle teaching schedules
  • add new students and their info
  • post announcements



With eSchool, education becomes a collaborative journey, where school management, teachers, students, and parents work together to achieve outstanding results!